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Provide your comments on the new Local Place Plan before Friday 28th June
Click here to view the Draft Duror and Kentallen Local Place Plan.
The Plan will be presented at the:
Open Event at the Community Centre this Friday (24th May) between 4 and 6pm and you are invited to come along, discuss the draft plan with members of the Community Council and make comments.
Various stakeholders such as Forestry and Land Scotland and Highland Council representatives will also be present at this event.
From 6pm onward you are invited to join us for a Community BBQ in the small hall, this event is free to community members.
Should you not be able to attend on Friday, we welcome comments on the draft plan by email to dkccinfo@gmail.com or you can give them to any member of the Community Council or drop them in the box at the Community Centre addressed to the D&KCC, We request that all comments are made to us by end of the day on Friday June 28th.