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Duror & Kentallen community website
Community website
Kentallen & Duror community centre

Diamond Jubilee celebration organised by the Community Council

Duror & Kentallen Community Council - installing a new handrail at the War Memorial

A welcome tea break for the team installing a new handrail at the War Memorial

Duror & Kentallen Community Council - provision of Noticeboards

Amongst other projects, D&K CC has undertaken provision of Noticeboards in recent years

Duror & Kentallen Community Council - provision of Dog Waste Bins

Amongst other projects, D&K CC has undertaken provision of Dog Waste Bins in recent years

Duror & Kentallen Community Council - hundreds of poppies made by the community

Hundreds of poppies made by the community marking the First World War Centenary

Duror & Kentallen Community COUNCIL

Scroll down for Community Council minutes and other documents.

What is a Community Council?

Community Councils in Scotland are created by statute and our members are local volunteers. The Duror & Kentallen Community Council receives funding and support from Highland Council and like all community councils is stated to be "non-party-political and non-sectarian" in our discussions and decision making. We are mandated to "take any action" we deem appropriate to improve our community.

You can read the Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils here.

What DOEs THE Community Council DO?

Our primary aim is to improve our local community. This includes securing grants and funds to complete local projects (such as equipment for community use), arranging community events, and petitioning the appropriate bodies for improvements to local amenities such as paths, roads and transport.

The Council is a statutory consultee for all Planning Applications and for the Highland Council’s wider policies and structure plans. We are also routinely consulted, or at least given the opportunity to hear about, initiatives which impact communities on a local, regional or national level. Where possible, we communicate this information to the community and, if required, canvas opinion so we can be sure we are representing the community interests. Other bodies with whom we have regular contact are Transport Scotland, Transerv, Forestry and Land Scotland, and neighbouring Community Councils.

Community Council Members

Chairman - Becky Coope
Secretary - Audra Sheffield
Treasurer - Jonathan Baxter

C. Councillor - Kay Duffy
C. Councillor - Liz Paul
C. Councillor - Alex Smith
C. Councillor - Lea Thomson

Associate Member - Claire Howell
Associate Member - Clive Tant
Associate Member - John Jennet

To contact the council, use the contact form below or email us at

Can I Get Involved?

Of course, the Community Council exists for the benefit of the community. For this reason a key part of any Councillor’s role is to be in touch with community members. With this in mind we encourage all members of the community to approach any Councillor with their views, opinions or concerns.

Monthly meetings are held in the Community Centre, normally on the second Monday of each month at 7pm. The minutes of these meetings are posted on this site, in the Facebook group, and on Community notice-boards. These meetings are open to the public although (rarely) the Chair may deem it appropriate for the Council to have a private session once all views have been received.

Please support us - and if you're interested in becoming a Community Council member, drop us an email at

Contact the Council

To get in touch with your Council, email

Use the form below or email us to get in touch with your Council.

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Community Council documents

Select a document to view (opens in new tab)

Website Accessibility

This page on the Duror & Kentallen community website presents information about the Community Council. The Community Council wants as many people as possible to be able to use and access the information provided here and throughout the website.

As with other public bodies, the Community Council is committed to making its website presence accessible in accordance with the appropriate regulations, namely the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018, which specify accessibility standards known as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA standards.

We know that some of the information here may be not fully accessible and not compliant with the WCAG standards. Web visitors may encounter problems using some screen readers, speech recognition software or keyboard only navigation to access the site or its contents. However, the cost of achieving formal compliance with the WCAG 2.1 AA standards specified in the Regulations would place a disproportionate burden on the Council's limited resources.

If you are having any difficulties accessing content please contact us by email at or through any of the Community Councillors and we will do our best to ensure that you can access the information you need.

You may also find the information at the AbilityNet website helpful in setting up your computer or device to best access information online.

If you’re not happy with how we respond to you, you may contact the Equality Advisory and Support Service (EASS), which is responsible for enforcing the Accessibility Regulations.